Wednesday, August 29, 2012

To My Best Friend

Today I wanted to take the time to dedicate this post to my bestest friend.
This girl knows me inside and out.
This girl has been with me through thick and thin.
We've cried together,
We've laughed together,
We grew up together.

There are so many memories. So many stories. So many things.
And of course I can't describe it all. But this is for you Natalie. For all you have done.

In 7th grade, we were hopeful and happy and you took my lunchbox and forced friendship.
In 8th grade, we made code names and couldn't wait to be in highschool.
In 9th grade, we suddenly were in highschool but it wasn't a big deal.
In 10th grade, we were Sophomores, we played Bob Saget at lunch and there was the Great Debator.
In 11th grade, there were harder times and bathroom talks, but there was also Little Women and English.
In 12th grade, we couldn't believe the future was getting so close. Our lives getting older and new.

Now it's College for me. Traveling soon to be for you. New times. New beginnings. New experiences. New moments.

No, things aren't as easy. Yes, things keep tasting bittersweet. But the fact is: I couldn't be who I am today without you. You make me happy and I love you. I love that you're hyper, that you get me, that you watch Netflix constantly, that you want to knit, that you make people feel comfortable even if they just met you, that you radiate energy and sunshine, that you talk too much sometimes, that you talk too fast sometimes, that you know more music than anyone else I know in the planet, that you have a sweet heart, that you help disabled people, that you have a boyfriend who loves you, that you have been in my life for some good years. I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful for memories made. I'm so incredibly blessed to have you in my life. And even though we may see each other less often and even though friends leave, people change, and life doesn't stop for anybody( thanks perks of being a wallflower ), I know you'll always be there for me and always be my best friend and you will always have a special place in my heart no matter how cheesy that sounds. And I'll probably still be writing poetry about or to you even when I'm 80 years old and have that green mohawk of mine.

Here's to you. Here's to us. Here's to life. Here's to My hands Are Bananas. Here's to Uh duh. Here's to Heidi Klume. Here's to our old selves. Here's to our grown up selves. Here's to ourselves that keep learning and growing. Here's to the good days up ahead and the bad ones. Here's to the smiles and tears. Here's to us knowing that whatever comes our way, we can take it. Here's to glitter. Here's to broken bones. Here's to Jack Sparrow lunchboxes. Here's to flying on my birthday. Here's to West Side Story. Here's to Katie's watching you. Here's to stepping into every store in the mall. Here's to I feel like a Lobster. Here's to I'm in the Lord's RV. Here's to old music videos. Here's to playing MyScene Barbie Dolls. Here's to nailing jello to a tree. Here's to splatter painting your neightbor's house. Here's to gross pictures. Here's to old Veritas skits where I was Betsy Tenboom and I died. Here's to Fried Twinkies. Here's to singing NeverShoutNever songs. Here's to Facepainting. Here's to FastDancing at prom. Here's to pictures with quotes. Here's to gigantic mugs. Here's to piggy back rides and sticking out tongues.
                                                       Here's to Friendship.

Yes, some of those pictures are entirely gross. But we took and kept them because we were entirely too young to care about how gross they were. And to be frank, I still don't care. They were memories I'm glad to still have. I love you. <3

Thank you anyone else who journeyed through a good portion of my lifetime there with me and my best friend. Kudos.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely post. I love those friends who stick with you no matter what.

    To answer your question, Fahrenheit 451 is a great book! It’s a very different yet interesting book. I highly recommend it. Glad we have a both have a love for books. :)

    -Victoria Horea
