Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve Traditions

Hello, Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
I love this day possibly even more than actual Christmas day.
I love going to Christmas Eve Soccer. Then coming home and opening one Christmas present early(it's always a book). Then going to Perkins for a family dinner which has the most amazing breakfast foods(my sweet spot). After that, going Christmas light looking. After that, going to our Christmas Eve Church Candelit service. Which is beautiful and right. It sets your heart right, and you get to wish your friends a merry christmas. I'm also reading a poem tonight at our service. I'll share with you the poem. After that we go to Village Inn and get pie and coffee and hyped up on sugar. When we come home, we read Christmas stories like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Santa Mouse. My little sisters leave out cookies, milk, carrots, and cheese. Then all the girls have a sleepover and await Christmas morning.
What are your Christmas Eve traditions?
 It was almost Christmas, on a cold December night.
The most wonderful time of the season, but nothing was right.

The stress began on finals week as the homework load weighed nearly a ton,
And the kids studied all night anxiously waiting for finals to be finally done.

A time was set aside for Christmas break, a time to relax.
But the bills kept on coming, and so did the tax.

The car broke down again a long with the air vents,
Another small thing to go wrong, another dollar to be spent.

Now, it’s almost Christmas, there is still shopping to be done.
Where is this so called joy, where is this so called fun?

I hurried to Macy’s but I missed their big sale,
Due to the weather which instead of snow, consisted of hail.

Friends and family are coming and we should be grateful for one another,
But how can we be when the children are fighting with their Mothers?

It was almost Christmas, on a cold December night.
The most wonderful time of the season, but nothing was right.

But are our troubles bigger than giving birth on a cold night in a small, filthy stable?
Can’t we be thankful for our warm homes, good friends, and food on our tables?
Are we too self-centered? Are we not able?

Did we just find out there has been issued a decree,
To put to death our new born baby King?

Some are quick to complain about the gifts we receive,
But does anyone remember what took place on Christmas Eve?

The waters may be high and the troubles may block the way,
But would you be content and would you be okay,
If the only gift you got was a Savior being born on Christmas day?

Would you take the time to stop, think, and remember?
How undeserving and blessed we are because of December.

Heartache may occur this season and for some, loved ones are lost,
But we still find reason to rejoice found in our Savior who paid our debts, our taxes, our costs.
With His hands nailed to a tree as He poured out His love for us.

It was almost Christmas, on a cold December night.
Let our hearts not grow cold, let us not lose sight.

Merry Christmas Eve!


    1. The anticipation is always more exciting isn't it?
      Happy Holidays Soph! Your pictures are a delight, as always!!

      +To Me It Matters+

    2. Those are lovely traditions!!!! We don't really have any Christmas eve traditions.... mostly cooking and cleaning. :-)

    3. GORGEOUS poem. I really really loved it. It's so applicable to our nation today.

      Have a good Christmas :)
