Sunday, November 1, 2015


I don't really celebrate the spooky side of Halloween. But yesterday the tres amigas slept in, made cinnamon rolls and bacon and caramel coffee, chilled in our pajamas listening to a Halloween playlist (good ole thriller, superstitious, etc.), candy corn cookies, caramel apples, and turned wine glasses into art. For instance, I turned the wine glass upside down and made a pumpkin out of the large glass part and for the long bottom part I painted it green and made it the stem and I'm going to put tea lights on the bottom part of it. It's fun and relaxing and just what I needed. And it felt like a holiday. Afterwards, we all went to our friend's house and ate pizza, sipped some egg nog, watched a couple of scary movies, and played Clue. 
It was safe and it was fun.

 Annnnnd noooooow comessss the Christmas seasonnnnn!!!!! 


Gingerbread lattes,
decorated stores, 
christmas music, 
and the such.

And thanksgiving yes. I love both. But I celebrate christmas before thanksgiving because there really aren't thanksgiving songs or thanksgiving flavored starbucks drinks, so I dive in with christmas too. But I also look forward to Thanksgiving believe me. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving week spent in Virginia for the first time ever. I'm excited to see Fall leaves. I'm excited to come back and bake pies all day. I'm excited for Thanksgiving soccer, and Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends and after Thanksgiving softball. I'm just excited.

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