Monday, June 15, 2015

Meet Me Under the Maple Tree

We'll write letters and place them in our mason jar time capsules and bury them in the ground.
Meet me under the maple tree,
And I'll whisper things like I love you and We'll be friends forever and other beautiful sounds.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where we'll be young 'till the ends of our days and experience the life we have to live.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where kindness is all we have to offer, and all we know how to give.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where we sealed our pinky promised secrets.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where time had not yet granted us regrets,
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where two girls next door would run all day.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where we'd always be friends because there was no other way.
Meet me under the maple tree,
That good old safe haven filled with memories.
Meet me under the maple tree,
Where we stayed me and you, you and me.

But in the end,
we didn't,
not really.

Change crept in.
and we hadn't seen the tree or each other in over a year.

When I visited that old tree of ours,
It was not there, 
It was gone.

For trees, like friends, can also disappear. 

Nourish your friendships,
Dig seeds in the ground.
Make sure the roots are strong,
And your bond is bound.

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