Thursday, January 7, 2016

Don't You Know It's Gonna Be Alright

In the movie "Across the Universe", they take a Beatles song called "I want you (she's so heavy)" in it and make it about something that the original song writer had not intended it to be. They make it about the Vietnam war and how one of the characters from that movie is enlisted even though he doesn't want to be. They show the "I want you" posters as the song plays and for the "she's so heavy" lyric, they show the character and many other enlisted people in the army carrying the Statue of Liberty. I thought the concept was interesting. The picture of these people carrying this huge statue symbolizing freedom and how heavy the price of freedom is. And it is, truly heavy. We remember that when we hear about our fallen soldiers. This land we are standing on, this land we are living in, it came with the price of death. And oh what a blessing it is to be here. But that also makes me think of the freedom of our sin. The cost of that freedom was even heavier. The freedom of sin is what gave us real life. One can live on earth without truly living. If you have no purpose for being here, what is the point of life? And then there comes a point when every human being has to die. Whether they are free in the terms of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or whatever it is, we all will still freely die. But the freedom of our sin liberates us from death. That freedom gives us eternal life if we choose to accept it. That cost was so heavy. So heavy that a King left His heavenly throne and came to earth to die on a cross so His blood would free us from the chains of sin so we could have life and live it to the fullest. So we could have life with Him in Heaven after we die and have an eternal one. Jesus says "I want you". And the price He paid was so heavy. But He did because He loved us. Because He loves us. Because He wants us.

It may be sort of an interesting comparison but when I thought about the concept they put to the Beatles song that really had nothing to do with the War or the weight of our freedom, it made me think of a concept that I am positive the people who put that concept to the Beatles song had never thought of. 

"The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. I have come so that you may have life and have it in all it's fullness."

 -- John 10:10

And to quote another Beatles song;

"It's gonna be alright."

Jesus wins. 
If you put your faith in Him, you can have without a doubt have the assurance that it's going to be alright.

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