Monday, May 25, 2015

Sometimes flowers can still grow in briar patches...

Yesterday was a good day. Besides church, it was eating nachos and playing board games. It was a hospitality night at church and eating Military food packages, which was a new experience for me. It may have not been the best meal I've ever had but it's what the people serving our country eat all the time and it made me appreciative. I know they are just happy to have hot meals even though it's a surprise and a meal heated by water in a package that starts off a chemical reaction to heat it up. It was interesting and kind of fun. Then my sisters and I ate pizza rolls and put on face masks and painted nails and it was fun. Today, we had a dessert picnic at the park, ate corn dogs and watermelon and watched a movie. It wasn't anything large but they were good moments and memories. They were flowers amongst the thorns in the briar patch.

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