Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Five Feet Apart

Yesterday evening I watched this sappy and tear-jerking movie called "Five Feet Apart".
It was one of those movies where you look at the male lead actor and you sigh and you think to yourself;
"If only I could find someone who loved me like that."

In this movie the male lead actor says to the woman lead; "You're perfect."
Listening to him say this with so much honesty in his voice (for he truly believes what he's saying) and seeing him look at her with pure admiration made my heart swoon as I'm sure it did to all the females in the movie theater. 

I mean, who wouldn't want to be told that?

Well, actually, I started thinking about this and I thought over and over again about how greatly I'm not perfect.
That fictional character (had it been real), wouldn't have been perfect either.
She would have been a sinner just like the rest of us.
She would have made mistakes.
She would have gotten on his nerves and they would have argued and they would have fought.
Given him enough time, even if he thought she was perfect in the beginning, he would not think she was perfect in the end.

But that all being said,
I thought about how that's where true love actually begins.
It's when you realize that person is not perfect but full of imperfections and flaws and mistakes but you love them just the same.
You love that person through the imperfections.

And that, I believe is even more romantic.

Think about how easy it'd be to love a perfect person.

If I was in her shoes and I was told I was perfect while I was imperfect, 
I don't think I would like it very much.
For I know I'm not perfect and it'd be a lie.

I think I'd rather have my imperfections acknowledged and I'd much rather be loved in spite of them and through them than to be told the lie that I am perfect when I know I am most certainly not.

In conclusion,
I think I need to stay away from these type of sappy movies.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that movie, but we also must realize that no we are def not perfect, but maybe the one you love is perfect for you, bc if God brings people together and God doesn't make mistakes wouldn't that mean that those 2 people are perfect for each other on even God's eyes. Just in a sense thinking it loud
