Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In Loving Appreciation For Life

In St. Augustine, when we were at a place called "the Mission"(A place which hold the 2nd tallest cross in the nation), I came across a tree planted in dedication for appreciation of life.  I thought this was intriguing... I mean planting new life to honor and show appreciation of life. I thought it was a sweet sentiment and picture and post worthy. Because it made me think about it and appreciate life some more.
Even for small simple things like beautiful trees that give us shade in the hot, sweaty Summertime. :)
Life should be Appreciated.


  1. "In loving appreciation for life." Yeaaaah...that is intriguing; an' what a good example of that phrase! =)

    Those palm trees are so cool; I love how the leaves, they almost look like hands! You know, how there's a big spikey pouf at the end of a stem? To me anyhoo... ;)

    Thanks for sharing!

    xx ~Jenny

  2. It really is the small things in life that can make you smile :) And I love that place! My family went there a few years ago and the cross is so beautiful. Haunting, though. But I love it!

  3. We have similar thing here Sophie... and I was thinking the same thing when I visited the park :)

    Nice pictures though.


