Monday, June 3, 2013

It's All Write By Me

Lately, writing and photography have been reoccurring life happenings of recent.
I have many passions which range from dance, art, poetry, song writing, guitar playing, photography, and writing in general.
With so many passions, and so little time, they seem to come in and out in phases.
Right now, it's writing and photography.
Writing is becoming the bones in my body right now that my photographs frame.

To honor my passions, I'm going to be sharing with you quotes and writings that have inspired me to write ferociously.
Tomorrow, I'm going to upload another recent photoshoot taken a few days ago.
You know, it is a crazy thing how writing and photography can go hand in hand.
A large portion of my photos on facebook have quotes in the description.
And stories are easily made or thought up just from one picture that makes you question the subjects in the photo and their lives and how they ended up together in that one striking photograph.
Anyways, quote time.

This Summer, I feel like I've all the sudden changed.
Like within me.
Maybe it's not visible to others, but I feel changed.
I feel old.
But not a bad change or bad old.
I just feel like this is a Summer where I'm awaken by the World around me.
Where I actually understand things better,
or have grasped a better perspective.
It's a Summer where I've learned a lot about who I want to be and where I want to go, and most importantly, the beauty of trusting God and following His Will and knowing and seeing that His way is the best way, always.
A lot of times in my life, I felt like I was sitting there waiting for something better to come a long.
Well, something better has come a long but I don't know if it's because life just got better or because I actually did something about it to make it better.
I think it's the second reasoning though.
I actually have made decisions and choices that ensured and ensued change.
I've also learned things about me, and about change itself, and about letting things go, and about not trying to fix everything and about where to focus your life upon or should I say Who to focus your life upon.

One more important change;

I always knew that God gives Hope, that He IS Hope.
But sometimes I didn't always see it, and it was hard to believe it.
Because even though He could grant my prayers and hopes,
it didn't always mean He would.
But He has blessed me, with so much, and answered prayers,
and I am forever grateful and blessed.
And I have Hope for the Future.
Even if trials are up ahead,
I am hopeful.
Because His Hopes and Plans for my Future,
Are FAR Greater than Anything I Can Plan On My Own.
So, I just hope to keep my eyes on Him and make His plans my plans.

I know the journey is far from over.
But I feel like I have a better grasp on life and about trusting God and having the joy given to us from Him.
And I feel happy.

Real, Pure, Inexplicable, Happiness.
And I am ever so thankful, for He can only supply this joy I have.


  1. "A lot of times in my life, I felt like I was sitting there waiting for something better to come a long." Gosh, HOW MANY TIMES has that been me? I wait for someone to come say something, I wait for someone to start something, I wait for someone to voice the same thoughts. Why don't I come up with ideas, start stuff, and go over and say stuff! ('stuff' is important here you can tell! ;P)

    And "Well, something better has come a long but I don't know if it's because life just got better or because I actually did something about it to make it better." I'm with you all the way, it's because you DID something. When I started doing things I just got blown away! (I'm sailing somewhere through the ionosphere right now... ;))

    It's definitely a God thing. =)

    "Real, Pure, Inexplicable, Happiness." Justsotherightwords. <3

    And thanks so much for sharing those quotes, I can see why you like em all . . . and, yeah.I think this post pretty much outshines any other! (almost)Especially the part after the pictures; your honesty is so sweet Soph! <3

    xxxx ~Jenny

    P.s. these are ALL my favorite quotes, but in particular, I like the 'writers write' and the butterfly one! 8D
