Sunday, September 13, 2015

Father please,

Melt our hearts until they bleed and ache for you.

If we're not complacent, we're indifferent, and if we're not indifferent, we're blinded.
Please light our wax hearts until we feel burning desiring and passion and love for you.
Until people cannot ignore You and the way you so desperately want to save us all from ourselves.
People look away and bitterly laugh as they smoke the cigarettes of spite and living a dead life until they die and enter a life full of a death they could never imagine and can't possibly want to go to.

My heart is broken for the bitter, stubborn, people who had a plate of gold and a lifetime of peace and joy but threw it on the ground and instead, picked up the dirt and ate it.

My heart is starting to bleed and it's waking me up. It's waking me up because day to day I ignore the fact that there are people there who are blind. And people who are blind because they choose to be.

And in a way I am blind too.

Because I fell back into the art of simply living but without having life behind it.

I am not on my knees every single day praising my Creator and praying for these souls.
I am not out there waking up each morning praying for God to show me His will and for me to follow it.
And when the thought passes my mind, I half-heartedly pray.
It doesn't say; Love the Lord with half of your heart.
It doesn't.

But how often do we do that?

How often do we actually even reach half of our heart?


Sometimes it's a quarter, a sliver, a speck.

It's an "Thank-you Jesus for our food" and that's it on some days.

Jesus, you are my life.
You are everything.

Melt my heart and make it bleed please because sometimes that's the only way to wake me up.

I don't want to be blind and I don't want to eat dirt.

I need you Lord, every day.
Please don't let me forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I've felt these same things so deeply before... I don't want to forget it either. God remembers me after all...
