“Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.”
-- Romans 3:13
I want my throat to only praise you Lord,
my mind to only think of You and be Heaven minded,
my actions to reach out and be filled with a cup of kindness and love.
I want boldness to rush through my veins,
my love for you to be evident,
my life to be yours.
But all the things I want, I rarely do or act upon.
And it's all in my hands and my choices.
I can do any of that when I wholly give myself to you,
but I don't do that as often as I want to.
Lord, please help me.
There's a lot to do and a lot to learn in this here life.
Please show me the way and prepare my heart.
Please help me to love you more.
It's a constant struggle, but not one that we can't overcome when we really have Heaven oriented minds and heaven oriented hearts and God centered lives.
It's worth the struggle.
This is wonderful, Sophie. :) You're very good at letting people see your thoughts and prayers. It's inspiring.