Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Have you been looking for an update?

Well, here it is!
This is what's been up.

Fun and sun and sun and fun.
Sometimes I forget how beautiful and paradise like Florida is.
But this weekend and also on Monday as well, I've been spending my days in a pool or at the beach and definitely in the sun and I've been loving it.
I mean Summer has only been a week in,
and it's already great.
Exciting news:
-Mother's Day I surprised my Mom with homemade muffins for breakfast, we went to Caldesi Island, and to an Italian Market for dinner in which they had the most delicious cannoli's ever.
  It was a glorious day.
-Yesterday, I spent some time catching up with old friends, cleaning, and swimming at out local rec pool. There I met three little kids who I played pool basketball with(along with my sisters and best friend), and let me tell you, they were so adorable. It's awful seeing kids that age. Two of them were best buddies, and I couldn't help but wish that they'd never grow up and that they would stay forever young and innocent. And I couldn't help but wish that they would be best of friends forever and not torn apart from each other later on due to fate, or a stupid argument, or popularity, or a girl or life. Maybe that's a sad thought since everyone has to grow up and a lot of times people grow apart, but in all honesty, those kids brightened up my day with their bliss and innocence and I'm happy I got to play with them.
-I'm taking a Theater class in Fall!!!
-My friend and I are going to get 20's outfits and dress up to see the Great Gatsby! I'm naturally enthralled.
-I'm making French Toast Cupcakes and watching Les Miserables for the 4th time this Friday. :D
-I also went through old stuff yesterday and found some writings, thoughts, and poetry I really like. Maybe I'll get a chance to share them sometime.
I'd like to.
Life in general is exciting, things have really been perking up for me lately and I am grateful and appreciative of unexpected ups in life. :)


  1. how beautiful the beach is, it looks like so much fun! thank you for your sweet comment on my post today my friend :) and i saw gatsby- it was brilliant!

  2. I love this! It looks like you are having such fun. I hope your whole summer is a blast :D

    Dressing up 20's sounds so fun. I've done that before with my sis, but to do it for the movie would be even better.

  3. looks like you have been really soaking up and enjoying life!!! great photos :)

  4. THEATER CLASS WHAT WHAT. And I love all of the photos. I have to go to the beach more often!!

  5. This is one of your BEST posts Sophie!
    I just love all the pictures; the colors, subjects (your sisters are so cute and sweet!) that turtle...really, this is one of the best. =D

    It's just bursting with Summer and Good Times with Family!

    xx `Jenny
